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'April Fool's Day' To All Sms

'April Fool's Day' To All SMS

April Fool's Day

Today the world is celebrating the 'April Fool's Day', and this day always remains to be a fun day for everyone. The day is full of fun and everyone tries to prank their friends and family. This day has become a popular one among the people as on this day you can prank your near and dear ones without any guilt.

In the customs, the one who jokes or hoax a person reveals their action after making fool of a person and later shouting ‘April Fools’ to the recipient. People also took help from their friends in creating such circumstances where they can make fool of anyone.

But this time, the lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak may hinder your plans to make your friend an April Fool. Don’t worry you can still wish them the April Fools day and send messages to cheer them up or even play a prank virtually.

So here are some wishes, quotes, and messages you can share with your friends and family on this April Fools day 2020.

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'April Fool's Day' Wish To Fool Friend

Earth may stop rotating; Birds may start talking. But your brain will never start working. Happy ‘April Fool’s Day’.

A fool is a fool. Wishing a very happy and joyful April Fool’s Day to the king of fools.

I may forget to wish you on this Diwali, Halloween or even New Year, but I will never forget to wish you on April Fool’s Day. So Happy April Fools day my friend

If someone calls you Handsome or beautiful… If anyone appreciates you for no reason… If anyone thinks you are intelligent and smart… Just smile and wish the person Happy April Fool’s Day

Everyone has a day… Everyone's pet has a day… Every fool too has a day, Hope you might have enjoyed your day! Happy April Fool’s Day

My friend thinks he is the one tho smartest and feels only an onion can make him cry. So, I just throw a stone at his chest (face) and made him realize he was wrong. Happy April Fools day
You are a beautiful, amazing, intelligent talented, caring and understanding person. Smiling? Well, Happy April Fool’s Day!

You all definitely can not touch your elbow just with your tongue. Tried doing it? Well, all the idiots would! Happy April Fool’s Day, friend. This day is dedicated just to you!

Hey, buddy! People like you make me realize I am still way more intelligent than many. Thanks. The memorable lesson in my whole life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.

You are precious to me… I cannot live my life without you even for a minute… You are my life and I can feel you everywhere! Don’t put much pressure on your little brain! I am talking about oxygen.

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